Annabelle DeGrazio didn’t just build a business—she started with a mission to make people happy and bring back the art of thoughtful gift-giving. Her candle company, now loved by celebrities and featured in glossy magazines, started with a clear vision, passion, and thoughtful steps. And, of course, there are challenges along the way. For moms with dreams of starting a business and capitalizing on their next big idea, here’s how Annabelle’s journey can serve as a blueprint for success.

Step 1: Make Your Main Goal Top of Mind 

Annabelle prioritized creating a luxury candle brand that offered something unique to the market. Her goal wasn’t just to make candles; she wanted her products to evoke feelings of luxury and comfort. Before starting your business, define your goal—whether it’s creating a product that’s high-quality, accessible, or niche—and let that guide every decision you make. Keeping your main objective front and center will help ensure your brand remains true to its core mission all along the way.

Step 2: Get Proof of Concept Before Launching 

Annabelle didn’t dive in without testing the waters first. She sought feedback from her network and tested her candle concepts at small events to gauge interest and refine the product. Before getting started, she even went to tradeshows with her prototype to test laser-engravers. Proof of concept is essential—it gives you the confidence that your idea resonates with your target audience before investing significant resources. Whether it’s running a small batch or starting with pre-orders, make sure your concept has legs before scaling it up.

Step 3: Build a Sustainable, Eco-Conscious Company 

From the beginning, Annabelle considered her business’s environmental impact. She chose sustainable ingredients and eco-friendly packaging and worked with manufacturers who shared her values. Today’s customers, especially celebrities and influencers, are drawn to brands aligning with their sustainability commitment. A McKinsey stat shows that 63% of all consumers surveyed consider a brand’s promotion of sustainability an important purchasing factor for products. Consider how your product can be made with the environment in mind and how to highlight that to your audience.

Step 4: Put Your Unique Spin on Your Product 

The candle industry is saturated and a $3.5 billion industry. But Annabelle set herself apart by adding a unique twist—luxury fragrances inspired by nature, wrapped in minimalist yet elegant packaging. She found a way to express her vision through her products, which made them instantly recognizable. Ask yourself: How can you make your product stand out? Whether in design, materials, or branding, your personal touch will make it memorable.

Bonus Tip: Add Community or Personalization 

Annabelle’s brand doesn’t just sell candles—it sells an experience. She invites her customers into a community where they can personalize their purchases or connect over shared values, like sustainability or self-care. She encourages brands to think outside the box when personalizing products for their customers. For one large hospital, she even helped them personalize the tops of the candles for patients. 

Consider how you can foster community and inspire your base through a thoughtful product. That interaction with businesses and consumers alike is key to her business, and personalization sets her company apart from the rest to connect customers with her brand.

Step 5: Reach Out to Influencers in a Cost-Effective Way 

Annabelle’s candles caught the attention of influencers, but she didn’t blow her budget on big celebrity endorsements right away. Instead, she leveraged micro-influencers and offered her products as gifts in exchange for posts and reviews to their like-minded audience. This built buzz around her brand and got her candles into the hands of some of the biggest names in Hollywood. Find influencers who align with your brand’s values and reach out in ways that won’t break the bank.

Step 6: Start Small and Scale Up 

Annabelle didn’t try to become a global brand overnight. She started with small batches, refined her product, and scaled her business as demand grew. By starting small, she could stay focused on her original goal while being nimble enough to adjust. As your business grows, always keep your main goal in mind and make thoughtful, measured decisions that will allow you to scale effectively. She still leverages her background as a lawyer to make intelligent business decisions in hiring and employee culture as she scales.

Final Thoughts: How Annabelle DeGrazio’s Entrepreneurial Steps Can Apply to You

Annabelle DeGrazio’s journey is inspiring. Following these steps, you can create a business that aligns with your values, captures your passion, and grows with intention.

Subscribe to listen to the full episode on Thursday, 10/3, and for more of Annabelle’s top tips and tricks for mompreneurs to scale strong businesses.