Finding time to squeeze in a workout can feel like a luxury for a busy mom. Between juggling work, family, and everything in between, carving out even 20 minutes for myself is a challenge—but it’s a priority I make for my health and sanity. Over time, I’ve discovered a few favorite exercises that can be done anywhere, whether I’m at home or on the go. These moves are quick, efficient, and perfect for keeping lean and strong, even with a packed schedule.

My Workout For Busy Moms

Here’s my go-to 20-minute workout, combining strength, cardio, and core for a full-body burn that doesn’t require much equipment or space. All you need is yourself, a set of sliders (or towels!), and a resistance band for added intensity.

At-Home Workout For Moms

Warm-Up for Busy Mom Workout Routine (2-3 Minutes)

It’s important to get your muscles warm and ready for action before diving in. Start with a light cardio warm-up to get the blood flowing.

  • Jumping Jacks or High Knees for 1 minute: I have a mini-trampoline that makes a warm-up so fun and easy
  • Arm Circles (both forward and backward) for 30 seconds
  • Hip Circles and Torso Twists for mobility, 30 seconds each

Core Burn for Mom Workouts (4 Minutes)

Kick off with some core-focused moves to fire up your abs.

1. Bicycle Crunches – 1 Minute  

Lie on your back with hands behind your head. Alternate bringing opposite elbow to knee, extending the other leg straight. Focus on keeping your core tight and back flat on the ground.

2. Alternating Scissor Leg Crunches – 1 Minute  

Stay on your back and raise both legs straight up. Lower one leg down toward the floor while reaching your opposite hand toward the lifted leg. Alternate sides for a deep core burn.

3. Oblique Dips – 1 Minute (30 seconds per side)  

Get into a side plank position with one forearm on the ground and your feet stacked. Lower your hips toward the ground and raise them back up, targeting your obliques. Switch sides halfway through.

4. Glute Bridge March – 1 Minute  

Lie on your back with your feet planted on the ground, hip-width apart. Press through your heels to lift your hips into a bridge. Alternate lifting one knee at a time toward your chest while keeping your hips stable.

Busy Mom Workout Lower Body Blast (6 Minutes)

Next, we hit the legs with exercises that build strength and tone while also getting the heart rate up.

5. Squat Jumps – 1 Minute  

Stand with feet shoulder-width apart. Lower into a squat and then explode upward into a jump, landing softly back into a squat. This plyometric move gets your legs burning and adds a cardio burst. I typically try to get to 20 reps if I can.

6. Crab Walks – 1 Minute  

Get into a squat position and stay low. Step to the side with one leg, then follow with the other leg. I like using an elastic band on my thigh to add resistance while I do these and do 15-20 steps per side. 

7. Bulgarian Split Squats – 1 Minute (30 seconds per leg)  

Place one foot on a chair or elevated surface behind you, with your front foot firmly planted. Lower into a lunge, keeping your front knee behind your toes. This move works the quads, glutes, and hamstrings while improving balance.

8. Clam Shells (with band) – 1 Minute (30 seconds per side)  

Lie on your side with your knees bent and a resistance band around your thighs. Keep your feet together as you open and close your top knee, squeezing your glutes with each rep. This move targets the hips and outer thighs and also works great with an elastic band on the thighs. I try to bring these and sliders for lunges on most trips I take.

9. Lunges (with sliders) – 2 Minutes  

Stand with one foot on a slider (or a towel if you’re on a hard surface). Slide your foot backward into a reverse lunge and return to standing. This adds an element of stability and control to a traditional lunge, engaging more muscles.

Upper Body & Full Body Combo Exercise for Moms (4 Minutes)

We’ll work the arms and full body to balance things out with these moves.

10. Tri Dips – 1 Minute  

Use a chair or low surface to perform triceps dips. Lower yourself by bending your elbows, keeping them close to your body, and press back up. This move targets the back of the arms.

11. Skaters – 1 Minute  

Hop from side to side, landing on one leg and bringing the opposite foot behind you like a speed skater. This move works the legs and improves lateral strength while boosting your cardio.

12. Calf Raises – 1 Minute  

Stand with feet hip-width apart. Raise up onto your toes, squeezing your calves at the top, and slowly lower down. This simple yet effective move builds calf strength and definition.

13. Single-Leg Box Squats – 1 Minute (30 seconds per leg)  

Find a sturdy surface (like a chair or bench) and stand in front of it. Perform a single-leg squat by sitting back on the surface and then pushing back up to stand using only one leg. This move is great for the quads and glutes.

Busy Momma Cool Down (2-3 Minutes)

Finish your workout with a well-deserved cooldown and stretch.

  • Hamstring Stretch: Stretch one leg forward, keeping it straight, and lean into the stretch to feel it in the back of your thigh.
  • Quad Stretch: Pull one foot toward your glutes, keeping your knees together, and feel the stretch in your thigh.
  • Cat-Cow Stretch: On your hands and knees, alternate between arching your back upward (cat) and dropping your belly down (cow) to stretch the spine and improve mobility.

Why I Love This Workout Routine for Moms

This workout is perfect for busy moms who want to stay lean, strong and energized. It packs a full-body workout into just 20 minutes and can be done anywhere—whether at home, in a hotel room, or at the park while the kids play. 

By incorporating these efficient, effective exercises, you’ll feel the burn, build strength, and keep your fitness goals on track, no matter how busy life gets! I found this article on Women’s Health Mag to be so helpful and inspired some of these moves: 17 Butt Exercises At Home For Strong, Toned Glutes, Per Trainers.